Aesthetic Restorations in Anterior Teeth
in English
🇵🇹 LISBON - July 18h, 19h and 20hRegistration now open!
I want to register nowDay 1
 9-11h Lecture: Direct anterior composites: diagnosis, planning, material selection, layering process, polishing process, function
11-11:20h coffee break
11:30-12:30h Lecture: silicone index, isolation, preps
12:30-13:30h Hands on: the silicone index
13:30-14:30h lunch break
14:30-15:30h Hands-on: dental prep, the rounded bevel
16:00-17:30h Hands-on: class III restoration 12, 13 + class V restoration 13

Day 2
9-10:30h Lecture: Layering process clinical case 1, complex class IV layered restoration, step by step videos
10:30-11:00h coffee break
11:00-12:30h Lecture: layering process clinical case 2, simplified class IV restoration with tints characterization, step by step videos
12:30-13:30h Hands on: layering process, complex class IV layered restoration
13:30-14:30h lunch break
14:30-16:00h Hands on: layering process, complex class IV layered restoration (continuation)
16:00-17:30h Hands-on: layering process, simplified class IV with tints characterization

Day 3
9-10:30h Lecture: layering process clinical case 3, step by step videos
10:30-11:00h coffee break
11:00-12:30h Lecture: Finishing and polishing proces. Considerations and technique.
12:30-13:30h Hands on: layering process, PEG lateral layered restoration
13:30-14:30h lunch break
14:30-15:30h Hands on: layering process, PEG lateral layered restoration (continuation)
15:30-17:30h Hands-on: Finishing and polishing process + course clousure

Roots Dental Academy
- Rua Estado da Índia nº 4, 3 C, Sacavém, Lisboa, Portugal
- Airport: 15 minutes (5€ Uber)
- City center: 15 minutes (5€ Uber)
Registration Policy
The course costs 1200€. Former FromRoots and Roots Dental Academy students get a 150€ discount.
Payment is made as follows: €500 at the time of registration and the remaining amount one month before the start of the course.
The course only runs with a minimum of 12 students.
No cancellations are accepted. Under no circumstances will the amounts paid be refunded or credited towards other courses.
In case of cancellation by FromRoots, amounts paid will be refunded in full. No refunds will be made for flights, hotels or other expenses. (*)
(*)Â Before making any hotel and/or flight reservations, students should contact the organization beforehand.